
This is currently doing the rounds on my LiveJournal friends list:

If you read this, even if I don’t speak to you often, please post a memory of me.

It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened.

Then post this to your journal.

Remember, anyone can read my blog, so don’t make the memories too intimate and/or embarrassing! 😉

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12 thoughts on “Memories

  1. Spoilsport.

    While accidentally getting you attacked by Jon and Tom is tempting, and the time you won a bottle of wine on your housemate’s name was entertaining…

    I’ll have to go for the look of panic you had when Jenny gave you one of her traditional hugs in FAB 😉

  2. Spoilsport.

    I can’t think of any intimate/embarrassing memories that you’d want to post, so it’s not really being that much of a spoilsport. 😛 (I just don’t want really dodgy stuff being posted in public).

    I don’t usually get people running up and hugging me, so it was a bit of a shock when Jenny (who at the time I barely knew other than because I’d run in the student elections) grabbed me. 🙂

  3. I have great memories (apart from that one occasion) of us both standing at that wall in Rusholme eating curries every Thursday after Megs.

    And the one time you got a Madras like me, and you couldn’t eat it, so I had two – yay!

    And then there was our tradition of always buying Cheddars and Carling at Megs meetings.

    And also one time we were both at Yates (in Bury) and were dancing very dodgily and singing loudly to the likes of S Club 7 😀

  4. Aye, the curry nights were great, except for the Madras (so hot/spicy that I couldn’t physically eat it) which I paid for but didn’t eat. 🙂

    I have let the tradition of the cheddars drop recently, although sometimes I buy them and perhaps jelly babies as well. Megs isn’t anything like as good as it was last year though—a lot of the fun people who I got on with have left. 🙁

    Yates’ was always a laugh, plus they always played cheesy music—which is the best way to get people on the dance floor.

  5. You have really dodgy things people could post about??

    And I’m having the hardest time trying to imagine you singing SClub7…This sounds like something we might have to arrange…

  6. I don’t know if I have dodgy things for people to post about—if I have then I don’t want to know. I could have been very drunk at the time or something. 😛

    You don’t want to imagine me singing anything, least of all S Club 7. There’s no chance of arranging it either—I’ve karaoked twice in my life and that’s enough for me. 🙂

  7. He’d look something like this 😛

    That was a fun evening, I also enjoyed the wednesday nights we sometimes did a bit of a pub crawl round bury when you were still at college, or indeed any of the random debates about nothing 🙂 Need to meet up more often 🙂

  8. Oh dear, you could have chosen a better picture than that. 😉

    The times when I was still at college were good, especially when I saw Pete in town and somehow ended up in the pub and then went (rather drunkenly but looking authoratitive with the map in my hand) round looking at houses with Haslam and Lewis. Ah, those were the days…

  9. I remember that day of drinking. I ended up going to L’pool and by the end of the day I was in a real bad state. Funny though.

    Then there was the paintballing. That was a laugh. We were on the team with the scallies and lost near if not all matches. I remember me and taylor standing about 3 meters apart shooting each other full pelt. Awww the pain!

    I didn’t go out that night when you and haslam were singing s club songs. By the photo’s though I think I’m glad I didn’t.

  10. I’d forgotten about paintballing, that was a good laugh even if we were on the team with all those stupid kids. Last man standing at the end was great too, although extremely painful at the same time.

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